Double Trouble

Last week we left the newlyweds.

Many years passed and Rebekah did not become pregnant. Isaac knowing the faith his father and mother had regarding his own birth, prayed for her.

 Isaac prayed hard to God for his wife because she was barren. God answered his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant. But the children tumbled and kicked inside her so much that she said, “If this is the way it’s going to be, why go on living?” She went to God to find out what was going on. God told her,

Two nations are in your womb,          
    two peoples butting heads while still in your body.
One people will overpower the other,
    and the older will serve the younger.

Rebekah became pregnant and got more than the normal amount of movements. She became distressed. As a wise woman she was learning to take all things to God in prayer. God showed her the meaning of this. There would be conflict between the brothers. God foresaw that the younger would eventually follow his plan and be blessed.

Rebekah would never forget this.


The babies were born, the first had lots of red hair, they called him Esau. The second came out with his fist around the others heel They called him Jacob.

As they grew Isaac favoured Esau, He was proud of this strong, hairy, sporting man who loved hunting.

He would kill an animal for food, cook it  and present it to his father. He was a champion of the outdoors. Jacob on the other hand was a quiet thinker who stayed at home- a ‘plain’ man.

This “insignificant” man was the one who would carry on the promises given to Abraham.

Rebekah felt for Jacob, she remembered what the Lord God has said before the children were born. No doubt Rebekah had told Isaac but Isaac favoured Esau.

Isaac’s birth and his whole life were the fulfilment of the promises of God.