Who Was Abraham? An Intoduction


Abram was never a passive listener . He listened and acted.

Quickness to responds stands out in the life of Abraham.

The first time we find God speaking to Abram (later God changed his name to Abraham) specifically is in Genesis 12 he moves with his father Terah from Ur ( an ancient civilisation which was quite advanced for the times) to go into Canaan but they stopped at Haran and Terah died there.



God spoke to Abram personally in Gen 12, 1-3

1.Abram was to leave the country, his people and his father’s household

2 Abram was promised Gods guidance as to where to go.

3.Great Promises Given 

Abram’s name would be great

He would be a blessing.

He would receive a blessing so great that those who blest him would be blessed

  Those who cursed him shall be cursed

All the earth would be blessed by Abram


When we come to God, we to0, are called out from the world, its people and even our family to follow Christ.

He promises to guide us, bless us, and make us a blessing. We are protected from those who would come against us and God promises to deal with them.


          ABRAM ACTS

Abraham listened and went out as he was told to .

He took his wife Sarai but also his nephew Lot and the people they had acquired in Haran.

Was he meant to take Lot and the people from this place?

It seems Abram’s obedience was not quite complete yet, but God is gracious, and He guided Abram.

Abram (later Abraham) would learn faith and he would learn obedience and He would become the Father of Faith. The seed of faith small at first, grew and he fathered Faith He lived by faith and through example He became “The Father of Faith” 

First Stop: Shechem.God repeats his Promise and Abram built an altar, a place of Worship and Sacrifice .

Everywhere Abram went he built an altar to the Lord.

                                    Genesis 12:7 Genesis 12:8 Genesis 13:3-4 Genesis 13:18 Genesis 22:9-12

So the Journey of Abraham began .


Originally Abraham was known as Abram (means Exalted Father.) God  changed his name to Abraham Ref:Genesis 17:3 (Father Of Many Nations) and his wife’s name Genesis 17:15 Sarai (My princess) to Sarah (Princess to all)