Appointment with Jesus

 Jesus’ Appointment .

Jesus  made time for this Lady.

He said that he needed to go through Samaria.He had a divine appointment. 

He sat and waited.

It was no coincidence that he sent his disciples away.


 He approached the woman It was taboo (not allowed ) for a Jew to talk to Samaritans but Jesus did not care about her nationality. He cared for the individual.

 He asked for a drink . It was unclean for the Jews to eat from the same cup as a Samaritan

 He has broken the traditions already

  1. Talking to a Samaritan
  2. Talking to a Woman
  3. Asking to drink from her cup

He got her attention .



“Why are you talking to me”?

 Jesus had a plan,he got her talking.


“You have nothing to get water with”?

He wanted to tell her about what he could give her.

If you drink the  life giving water, I give, you will never get thirsty .It will lead to eternal life.


Where would you get this from?

He said he was not talking about ordinary water but something that will last forever

“Give me this water “ She asked.


Jesus saw she was thirsty deep inside .

He began to tell her details about her life and her husbands . She had looked for love everywhere. She was thirsty inside. She had not been satisfied within .She knew  her heart.

She begins to understand a little.

She said, “You are a prophet “

She began to bring up all her religious arguments.

She talked about where to worship, but Jesus talked about who to worship.

Jesus is offering not just religious rituals, but for her to know him .He showed her ,he knew her heart and her desires.

She responds ,”The Messiah will come and tell us everything “

Jesus said “I am He”.

She dropped her jars or water-pots and went and told everyone,”SHE HAD FOUND A MAN WHO TOLD HER EVERYTHING SHE HAD DONE” . Is this not the Christ”?

When we find Jesus for ourselves, we will want to tell others.She left her water-pots behind. When we come to Christ there are somethings, we will leave behind because we have found something better.

Many Samaritans  came to Jesus because  of her testimony and believed when they found Christ  for themselves..
