Gods View

The second picture we have of Joseph’s clothing is a torn blood stained coat.

It speaks of tragedy and gives the impression of death.

In reality it is evidence of a cunningly devised plan, jealousy and deceit.

The devil is a deceiver, God’s word is true.

Satan  tried to give the impression that the dream was over!

 All was lost!

However despite the trial, Joseph is on his way, on the right track to where the dream will be fulfilled.

No matter what the ‘evidence’ suggested, it was false.

Jacob was deceived by his own sons.

His eyes were on the natural circumstances, which indicated Joseph was dead.

Had Jacob seen with God’s eyes, he would have seen deceit and treachery.

Instead, his faith was crushed and the vision seemed all wrong!

Joseph was not proud but faithful.

Joseph has been an obedient son to his father and went willingly to see if the brothers were doing well.

His father told him to go to Shecham, but when he got there he found they had gone further.

He could have said, “Well I have done what I have been told to do, I will go home”.

Joseph went ‘The Second Mile’ (in reality, approximately 7 kms ).

This diligence of character, was one reason why he was successful at whatever he did.

It is estimated that he travelled approximately 160 kms altogether, searching for his  brothers.

Joseph, like Jesus, was sent to his own who did not receive him.

“Here comes the dreamer”.

 Joseph was hated because of the dreams he had received from God.

Little did the brothers know, these dreams would help them and one day they would be grateful because of them.

The brothers acted out of jealousy, threw him in a pit, where he cried out for mercy.

They ignored him and heartlessly sat down to eat. 

Their first intent was to kill Joseph but Ruben saved him.

God was preserving Joseph.

The brothers sold Joseph to the Ishmaelite’s for twenty pieces of silver.

They took him as a slave to be sold in Egypt.

Joseph is a type of Christ, who was sold for thirty pieces of silver. (One wonders, if there was inflation, would the price be the same.

Joseph was not dead, but sold into slavery in Egypt, where God’s plan would eventually come to pass.

This would result in saving Jacob’s family, which would become the nation of Israel.

Ref: Genesis 37:12-36.